This beautiful Temple is five miles from the highway in Palmyra–the perfect excuse for a pit stop as we drove home from our NY road trip. It was Sunday, so we just walked around the grounds before getting back in the car. But the short stop was a good reminder that we haven’t been in a while. So last weekend, Spencer and I drove out to Columbus for an evening date.
Besides the beautiful atmosphere of the temple, my favorite part of the trip was that this skirt came in just in time. Have you heard of Thred Up? This site is basically a high end thrift store where every piece of clothing is hand-inspected and certified for quality. I got this CAbi skirt for 4% of its listed price. Basically with this $10 off coupon, you just have to pay for shipping. My favorite part of the site is that you can customize your search for brand, size, etc.
Spencer’s favorite part of the trip was running into old family friends. Just as we were pulling out of the Temple, we passed a man pushing a stroller. Spencer commented that the man looked like an Olson. Then he realized what he’d said, rolled down the window, and yelled: “Hey I know this is random, but are you an Olson?” and then proceeded to nearly run over the stroller in his excitement. Spencer’s hunch was correct–we ran into his college roommate’s older brother who also roomed with Spencer’s older brother. Small world.
After catching up and a quick dinner, we drove home under a fading sunset and surrounded by corn fields blanketed in curling mist. Columbus is beautiful.