As we pack our bags for this week’s trip, I can’t help but think back to the first time Spencer visited me in California. We didn’t document the beautiful beaches, visiting his sister, wandering through the fake danish village/tourist trap, or hiking through a rock maze, but we did get pictures of the moment my siblings decided that he was cool.

This was also the moment, I decided that I no longer wanted to ride an ostrich. Thank you Swiss Family Robinson for making that sound so easy. Turns out, ostriches are vicious.

Look at those menacing eyes.
The only animals that can one up them in hammering their heads toward food are Emus.
This trip also classically conditioned my littlest sister to associate Spencer with ostriches. Every time my family drove passed the farm (and often multiple times a day–they lived in the boonies) she shouted “Pencer! Ostriches!”
The cousins and roommates vetted Spencer in an extensive process, for my siblings it was easy.