“Layout they said, it’ll look sick they said”
Lest you think that all of our friends perfectly catch disks while diving into a sunny lake (like in this post), here are some bloopers.
If you polled our host, he’d probably say this was his favorite part of our trip. My favorite part of the weekend? New and old friends. Especially this girl.
I love friendships that you can pick up exactly where you left off. Livia and I were in the same House (think Harry Potter) and friend group in 9th grade. Besides a quick lunch with our classmates six years ago in Washington, D.C., we hadn’t been in the same place since I moved away from Canada. She is just as funny, beautiful, and thoughtful as I remembered (Skype dates help–thank you modern technology). Livia is in the Indie-folk-pop band Motel Raphaël which is gaining steam in Canada. Their first album was just released on iTunes and they represented Montreal in the national CBC: Searchlight competition. My favorite song on the album is the new version of their music video “Ghosts“. A chill tune for summer days.