In the middle of visiting my family we snuck up to upstate New York for a few days. I always love visiting my aunt’s home because it is peaceful, beautiful, and we can count on delicious food, good company, and creative activities.

Decorating the cutest gingerbread houses. My decoration attempt turned out horribly lumpy, but the rest of the batch was darling. Sometimes it is tough to have such talented cousins and a husband who designs for a living;)

The evening this picture was taken, our cousin, Sadie, was returning from 18 months as a missionary and let’s just say her family was thrilled about getting her back. Knowing her plane was scheduled to land at 9:30pm, we decided we had time to go to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the theater then drive over to the airport. About half way through the movie, my uncle leaned over to the rest of our row and said, “It looks like Sadie’s flight is coming in early… We’re going to have to leave before the end of the movie.” So as Kylo Ren and Rey faced off in the climactic light-saber battle, our whole row stood up and left. You should have seen the confused looks of the other movie goes as we exited toward the front, looking back longingly trying to catch a few more seconds. Worth it though because we got to the airport in plenty of time to see this: