Remember the pictures from Krista’s bridal shower? Less than a week after Spencer and I drove out to Ohio for P&G, I flew back to Utah for Krista’s wedding. Krista and Kyle were married in the Bountiful, Utah temple. We don’t…

Remember the pictures from Krista’s bridal shower? Less than a week after Spencer and I drove out to Ohio for P&G, I flew back to Utah for Krista’s wedding. Krista and Kyle were married in the Bountiful, Utah temple. We don’t…
The family reunion is this weekend in Utah. We won’t make it this year, but Fenton’s post inspired me to reminisce a little in honor of the three most anticipated days of the year.
My brother and I teamed up with some of the cousins to compete. I think we scored one (maybe two?) baskets in the first game, but still decided that this is the best way to play basketball. The rest of…
Provo has been good to us. Besides the people, what I always miss most about this town is the number of fun things to do. I was brainstorming ideas (of things to do that are not campus sponsored) for my…
Here are ton of pictures from this season: Growing up our annual family reunion was one of the most anticipated events of the year. However, cliques were strong and I only talked to the cousins my age. My group especially…
Since we moved into our apartment on Spencer’s birthday, we spread out the celebrations over the whole weekend. Thursday evening we drove to Park City for the FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup. I’ve gone the last three years (free+Dairy Keen…
Last winter I spent three days tucked away in the mountains for WIAC 2014: Religion and Diplomacy: Bridging Religious Divides. College students from all over the US, including West Point and the Air Force Academy, gathered to network, listen to…