These two were one of my favorite parts about the wedding! We’re still hoping to get a few more pictures back of all the children once our photographer comes back from her honeymoon. The next two pictures are also from Jordan Zobrist Photography, and then I’m stealing the rest from Emily. Remember this post about how my sister hated being left out of the fun? Emily captured some great glimpses of how unimpressed at least three of the little girls were with having to pose for pictures.
Luckily, the babies were more cooperative. Spencer’s nephew and twin nieces are growing so fast!
On an unrelated note, I know a few of the people who read this blog don’t have Instagram yet. A word to the wise about collaborations on social media–pick a good social media handle and then don’t change it. Last Saturday, I collaborated with Shabby Apple and Jordan Zobrist Photography on this Instagram picture.
Unfortunately, I forgot to tell Shabby Apple that I changed my instagram name from @aikaterini to @anne_reynolds_. So now a random girl in Greece (who took the @aikaterini name shortly after I gave it up) got 700+ notifications from an American clothing store. Live’n’Learn.