Provo Yacht Club

Provo Yacht Club

2015. Not pictured: Markette and John P

Here are ton of pictures from this season:

10934130_10155342127255314_7045064166430351776_oGrowing up our annual family reunion was one of the most anticipated events of the year. However, cliques were strong and I only talked to the cousins my age. My group especially felt like we were often at war with the cousins just older and younger than us. (Thank you pond battles).

provo yacht clubBYU changed that. My time in Provo overlapped perfectly with several of the older cousins my freshmen year, and now overlaps with several of the younger cousins. Now that we’re all in a similar phase of life we’ve realized that we’re actually very good friends. A huge part of this friendship centers around intramural inner tube water polo. Jane started the team our sophomore year after some of the older cousins shared the idea. Since then, 20 cousins (including spouses) have participated in the Provo Yacht Club with 8 of the 10 families represented.

PRovo Yacht ClubBYU intramuralsintramural innertube water poloProvo Yacht ClubBekah anne and spencerkatie anne and spencerbyu intramuralanne and spencerinntertube water polobyu intramural innertube water poloProvo Intramuralsanne and spencerProvo Yacht ClubProvo YachtClubProvo Yacht ClubProvo Yacht Club

Past years:

Cutler Alumni: Seth, Tania, Lizzi, Fenton, Hannah, Emily, Jane, Kesler, and Sadie. Some cousins definitely enjoyed being on the team more than others. We range from one cousin who was guilt-tripped into coming to a few games to another cousin who discussed it during grad school interviews. Sage and Bekah decided last night that they’re going to train their children for this intramural from a young age so that the Provo Yacht Club can continue with at least one Cutler descendant on it until the team finally wins the coveted t-shirts. At that point the team name will be retired. Check out Rebekah‘s blog for a funny story from this season.




2011: First year as a team! Jane, Katie, and Adam Bahr pictured.

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  • Rebekah

    I love this! How fun. And also I’m glad I’ve finally stumbled upon your blog so I can keep updated with it. Thanks for the shout-out. 😉