Day 1 was mainly spent getting into London because some of the roads/trains were closed due to crazy flooding the from the previous day. Once we got into town, we lucked out and had near perfect weather our whole visit. Spencer and I ended up getting in a little earlier and headed to the Imperial War museum. After a couple of wrong turns, and then locking our luggage up to the stroller rack and praying nothing got stolen, we ran through the WWI section (underwhelming) and the espionage section (much cooler–the best part was the footage of the British SAS breaking into the Iranian Embassy of London to free hostages). Apparently the best part of the museum focuses on the Holocaust, but we’d just been to the Holocaust museum in DC and were on a time crunch. We were planning to catch an uber to our Airbnb to meet up with Jane and Kesler, but “newsflash” our phones only worked on wifi and we couldn’t find wifi anywhere. We ended up panicking and taking a taxi which was wayyy overpriced, but ended up being totally worth it because the cab driver went on an interesting spiel about how he hoped the UK would vote to leave the EU the next day. Then he turned the questions back on us, and the current election season. My favorite question was “If you could vote for President Obama for a third term instead of voting Clinton or Trump, would you do it?”

Because no visit to London is complete without a West End show. Also, an evening play happens to effectively combat jet lag.

When you’re about to spend two hours watching amazing candy creations, you clearly have to bring some chocolate.