Two of our favorite people are generously spending their anniversary weekend with us. Because it was magical, and they’re perfect, let’s relive a few moments of their beautiful wedding dinner at LaCaille.
Bridesmaids dresses: Shabby Apple
Photo credit goes to Pepper Nix. As you can (obviously) see, she knows her stuff. She photographed the wedding for one of Mitt Romney’s children shortly before this one. Thanks to Jane and Kesler for sharing their beautiful wedding with us where they have the best decoration and also the a great and big cake.
You can read about their adventures on their blog Never Try Never Fail. Didn’t get enough of this wedding? You can go to Pepper’s site, or check out a blog article on it here.
P.S. This Monday is the National Park Service 98th birthday. To celebrate, all entrance fees to national parks will be waived. So if you live near a National Park, go on Monday!