Provo has been good to us. Besides the people, what I always miss most about this town is the number of fun things to do. I was brainstorming ideas (of things to do that are not campus sponsored) for my brother, and decided to share for anyone else in the area. Here are a few of my favorite Provo area dates/group activities:
Provo Yacht Club
Here are ton of pictures from this season:
Growing up our annual family reunion was one of the most anticipated events of the year. However, cliques were strong and I only talked to the cousins my age. My group especially felt like we were often at war with the cousins just older and younger than us. (Thank you pond battles).
BYU changed that. My time in Provo overlapped perfectly with several of the older cousins my freshmen year, and now overlaps with several of the younger cousins. Now that we’re all in a similar phase of life we’ve realized that we’re actually very good friends. A huge part of this friendship centers around intramural inner tube water polo. Jane started the team our sophomore year after some of the older cousins shared the idea. Since then, 20 cousins (including spouses) have participated in the Provo Yacht Club with 8 of the 10 families represented.
Past years:
Cutler Alumni: Seth, Tania, Lizzi, Fenton, Hannah, Emily, Jane, Kesler, and Sadie. Some cousins definitely enjoyed being on the team more than others. We range from one cousin who was guilt-tripped into coming to a few games to another cousin who discussed it during grad school interviews. Sage and Bekah decided last night that they’re going to train their children for this intramural from a young age so that the Provo Yacht Club can continue with at least one Cutler descendant on it until the team finally wins the coveted t-shirts. At that point the team name will be retired. Check out Rebekah‘s blog for a funny story from this season.
It Takes a Village
My aunt generously let us stay at her house for the first week of the semester because our apartment wasn’t available yet. Here are some pictures of a late night study break race. We didn’t realize it at the time, but not being able to move in right away turned out to be the biggest blessing.
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Valentine’s Day
Birthday Weekend
Since we moved into our apartment on Spencer’s birthday, we spread out the celebrations over the whole weekend. Thursday evening we drove to Park City for the FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup.

There’s nothing sane about launching yourself this far into the air and spinning towards the ground. Nothing.
I’ve gone the last three years (free+Dairy Keen on the way+cool atmosphere+mingling with Olympians = a great group date), but this year was by far the best. Thursday night is much less crowded than the rest of the weekend, and Aerial is more entertaining than Mogul skiing (for me at least). Plus the commentators outdid themselves, especially when they thought that China’s Qi Guangpu set a new world record.
Friday, we celebrated with Spencer’s annual skating party. It is so fun to come back to a place where you already have friends and they live nearby. Thanks to everyone who came to support!
Saturday evening we celebrated being unpacked with a smaller housewarming/guacamole party. Then we finished off the celebrations on Sunday, with the newlywed’s (K & J) extended family grocery shower and my Grandpa Cutler’s birthday party. My aunt had everyone sing to Grandpa and Spencer, and had Spencer blow out the candles (since my grandfather has passed away).
In other exciting news, we’re officially on the job hunt. If you know of any industrial design openings let us know:) Also, Spencer just started his own website/blog. Check it out here.
Little Musicians
In this house, whenever a hairbrush is missing, we can take a pretty good guess at who has it. This same little girl asked for a “schedule” for her birthday. Definitely going to tease her about that once the novelty of “getting to have” chores wears off.
For Christmas this year, we professionally recorded three songs for my dad. I think I’ll wait to share the recordings until next Christmas, but here are a few snapshots of playing in the studio:
Awkward Family Photos
Two years ago:
Let’s talk about how I begged my mom for days to let me dress the family. How I nagged, cajoled, and literally bribed my brothers into nice clothes, then negotiated clothing swaps with my sisters so that no one would be too “matchy matchy”.
Let’s talk about the result:
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